There are many aspects of this work that were deeply thought out. I wanted to create as much purpose for each decision as I could, as I considered this work a true artist reflection. The first choice is in the composition and viewpoint. This is drastically changed from my original idea for an artist reflection very long ago. My original composition was my hands dead on, which I quickly learned to stray away from for good composition. Seeing things from a different perspective helps more than just the page’s composition!

Another choice is the difference in work that I am doing. What I am drawing in this piece is a simple sketch of a door that is far from being finished. When I was drawing this part of the piece, I had full intent to finish it, but I chose not to. I do not make this decision out of laziness, but rather because of its ability to reflect something that is a work in progress. As I move through my experiences, I am constantly learning. Although I hope to bring each of my works to a final stage, my capability to learn, change, and grow* will never be quite finished.

*see “evolve” splashed below

24”x18” - ink on paper

